All East Africa - Latest NewsKENYA

Kingi not accountable for Sh51 million loss, Raila says

ODM party leader Raila Odinga has said Kilifi governor Amason Kingi is not culpable for the loss of Sh51 million.

Raila said Kingi acted swiftly to thwart loss of more funds by instigating investigation.

The Cord leader further bashed Jubilee leaders who scolded him for remaining mute on the Kilifi scam saying he was out of the country and could not speak without facts.

Raila said he held an overnight meeting with Kilifi officials including the governor where he got “satisfactory” answers.

“I’m here on a fact-finding mission about corruption and get the facts right from ODM counties. I have met Kilifi County officials,” he said.

He blamed IFMIS for the loss of funds and said Kingi was better than president Uhuru Kenyatta who defends corrupt officials instead of calling for an investigation. Uhuru has sacked key officers including ministers linked to corrupt deals.

Last week it emerged that Sh51 million and not Sh45 million was allegedly stolen from the county.

It is suspected that cartels from IFMIS, the national online payment system, and five banks where money was deposited and county officials colluded to loot funds.

The revelation came days after 10 county officials were suspended over the missing funds.

They include Health chief officer Timothy Malingi and accountants Paul Mwanzo (Treasury), Jacob Konde (Health), John Kalume (Finance) and Josephine Muramba (Education).

©Alleastafrica and The STAR

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