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Anger grows in Kenya over soldiers’ deaths in Somalia attack

Much of the public anger was directed at the military bras, who were accused of failing to prepare for the imminent attack

NAIROBI – A public outpouring of grief mixed with patriotic anger whipped through Kenya in the aftermath of the killings of soldiers killed in an al-Shabab attack on KDF military base in Somalia.

According to The Standard Newspaper, 67 soldiers were killed during this week’s massive attack.

Below are reactions from ordinary Kenyans on the latest attack in Kulbiyow town in Somalia:


very painful for our fallen comrades…..they were sitting ducks in a foreign land…lack of planning by totally clueless commanders who know nothing about tactics but only how to shoot a gun..the exact same thing happened in El Adde a year ago-most disheartening is our brothers over 65 .have been killed..lives and families have been destroyed by this terrible acts….all Kenyans want is peace for Somalia…our brothers dont deserve this…we never learn-the videos were all over the internet…RIP to our fallen patriots..May God comfort and give the families strength. people at the top better stop playing silly games with Kenyan lives and get serious for once..stop and differentiate the politics and think about those soldiers..their families their welfare..its too sad and painful..if we cant manage just take a bow in humiliation and leave…we cant wait for another January for 100 more to die…RIP brothers.. 🙁 🙁 🙁


Have the government learnt a lesson? You either bring back our soldiers or they continue losing their lives in a senseless war. zoomalis can get screwed by their sandnigger god and arab masters, its not the role of the nywele ngumu to save their failed pisslamic country

Arap William

This is very shameful and terrible calamity. Al-shabaab is clearly winning this war, and whether it is because we send our young men to slaughter under the leadership of kikuyu charcoal and sugar dealers or simply because we have an incompetent commander in chief, a there must be a serious regarding our future in Somalia. Maybe building a wall isn’t such a bad idea. Remember how the military top brass fiercely refuted reports that over 50 Kenyans have been butchered. There are still kenyan soldiers held hostage by the Al-shabaab yet their highest commander is busy running around insulting the opposition and begging for votes. Who cursed this country?


A good soldier knows when to retreat. We went to Somalia, tried but the casualties too many. Let’s bravado be for movie stars. It’s time to lick wounds and say enough is enough.


and there is no shame in that… the Americans tried there hand in Somalia, and got burnt. why can’t uhuru just do the same and bring our boys back home?


There will be many coming home in body bags. How can you ever defeat people who do not care whether they die or live.Unless the KDF is prepared to kill each and every person including children and animals-cows,ngamia, paka na wengineo-the only way out is to retreat. .Hawajui wanachokifanya


What are we defending in Somalia to be Precise? America lost 18 troops and left. We have lost more than 200 and we are still clinging to Somalia. Is there more than meets the eye? It is high time our mothers and wives demand that their sons and husbands be brought home. R. I. P comrades.

Jiiji Gachoho 

My condolences to their families. I appreciate the sacrifice made by our soldiers. These things happen in a battle. Either due to negligence or the enemy have better tactics. Severally the KDF have ambushed the militia camps and killed many yet we never appreciate. Whatever the number of our dead soldiers, they paid the price of protecting the majority in Kenya. Terrorism attacks inside Kenya have gone down thanks to KDF. MY GOD REST THEIR SOULS IN PEACE for their sacrifice am grateful.


Bring the troops back…these soldiers have left women and children…please Mr president heed the calls of many of your citizens and bring the troops back. Most of our soldiers joined the force for economic reasons, they can’t fight guys who don’t care whether they die or not.

Jomo mzalendo •

What kind of training is our soldiers getting?? Are they prepared mentally and physically for these kind of urban warfare?? They seem to be getting caught off guard most of the time. 68 is way too many lives lost our govt need to come up with a better plan for the war and know when to exit.


Senseless killings in a senseless war. Instead of withdrawing the soldiers from a war in a foreign country, some in government who masquerade as all knowing have kept the soldiers in Somalia now for years and we continue to bury our sons. The so-called digital government can never be forgotten by Kenyans.

Mwiti6  Dark

No words to respond. i had all the expletives 4 u. rip our dear soldiers

(Compiled by Judy Maina)

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