Early yesterday, Dr Magufuli attended a meeting convened by the Chairman of AU, President Idriss Deby of Chad, where Heads of State and Government as well as AU members met with Mr Guterres.
“The meeting was aimed at sharing ideas on strengthening relations between the AU and the UN, particularly on peace and security,” according to a statement issued by the Directorate of Presidential Communications.
Dr Magufuli as well was among invited guests at a lunch hosted by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, after taking part in a meeting for Heads of State and Government.
President Magufuli was yesterday evening slated to attend the launching of Julius Nyerere Peace and Security Centre which is within the premises of the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Meanwhile, Tanzania’s seasoned diplomat and retired Chief Secretary, Ambassador Ombeni Sefue, has been appointed to join the Panel of Eminent Persons of the African Union’s African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) following his nomination by the Fifth Phase Government of Tanzania.
According to information confirmed by the Executive Secretary of the APRM Tanzania Secretariat, Ms Rehema Twalib, Ambassador Sefue and other new panelists were endorsed during the Forum of Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa on Saturday.
Other new panelists include Prof Ibrahim Agboola Gambari (Nigeria), Ambassador Mona Omar Attia (Egypt), Ms Fatma Zohra Karadia (Algeria), Bishop Don Dinis Salomão Sengulane (Mozambique) and Prof Augustin Loada (Burkina Faso).
The APRM is a specialised agency of the AU, which was initiated in 2002 and established in 2003 by the African Union in the framework of the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).
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