Several motorists have sued Toyota Kenya over HINO FC500 model vehicles saying that they are unfit for sale in the Kenyan automotive industry.
NAIROBI – They argue that HINO FC500 model truck and PSV buses have developed fatal engine and overheating problems, brake systems failures, and chassis cracking during the subsistence of the respective warranties that rendered them unfit for the purpose.
Through lawyer Harrison Kinyanjui, the plaintiff claim that they have exhausted all avenues of resolving these manufacturing problems and the defendants have failed to respond to their plight.
“The management of Hino Ltd and Toyota Kenya was all along aware that the HINO FC500 model was and is unsuitable and unfit for the PSV purpose,” argues Kinyanjui.
They claim that no brand new vehicles develop such a multiplicity of problems resulting in total grounding even lack of spare parts replacement without a manufactures defect.
“As a brand new HINO FC500 model truck and PSV buses they could not have developed such engine failure, overheating problems and break failure during the subsistence of the warranty,” reads the court documents.
Toyota Kenya Limited, Nairobi Hino, Tsusho Capital Kenya Ltd and Kenya Bureau of Standards have been named as respondents in the case.
The suit has been filed by City Star Shuttle Co. Ltd, Chania Prestige Shuttle Ltd, Beauty Wholesale K. Ltd and eight others.
Meanwhile, the court has directed the respondents not to detain or sell by public auction or private treaty, interfering with the motor vehicles HINO FC500 belonging to the plaintiff.
The orders were issued by Justice Francis Tuyiot.
- Agencies