KAMPALA – Uganda has bypassed Lebanon to become the third top refugee hosting nation in the world.
According to latest figures released from United Nations, only Pakistan and Turkey are ahead of Uganda — although those countries could soon bypassed too due an escalating influx of refugees into Uganda in the last months, most from South Sudan.
Figures show that Uganda is now hosting 1.3 million refugees while Pakistan is home to 1.4 million. Turkey is hosting 2.9 million.
According the UN, 55% of refugees worldwide come from three countries — Afghanistan (2.5 million), Syria (5.5 million) and South Sudan (1.4 million). Most of those are fleeing armed conflict and breakdown of services in their countries of origin.
UN confirmed in a tweet today that Secretary General Antonio Guterres is travelling to Kampala to grace Friday’s Solidarity Summit, an event that is expected to be dominated by the dwindling resources amidst soaring global refugee crisis.
Uganda needs $8b (sh28 trillion) to continue caring for the displaced and host communities in the next four years according to the Office of the Prime Minister.
Uganda’s open-door policy to refugees has received global praise; however, analysts warn the country’s resources could soon be overwhelmed by the incredibly rising numbers of refugees into the country.
European Union (EU) yesterday called on all none traditional donors to join the effort if Uganda is to avoid a crisis.
EU said Uganda’s refugee arrivals currently stand at 2,000 people per day.