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As Kenyatta’s presidential innaugration gets closer, opposition threatens parallel innaugration of of Raila as president

By Njeri Kimani,  

NAIROBI- As Uhuru Kenyatta takes his oath for the seat of Presidency on 28th November for his second term, The opposition has threatened to swear in NASA flag bearer Raila Odinga to start his “first term.”

Raila, who withdrew from the October 26th fresh election citing mistrust in the election process led by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) lost to Uhuru by a great margin.

The idea to swear him in for the highest office was first introduced to Kenyans by NASA Communication Director Norman Magaya hours after the Supreme Court upheld the October repeat polls.
Magaya claimed the country was in support of their actions, saying Kenyans had issued their full support to them and were solemnly behind them

“Jubilee will go on with what they believe is right for them to do and NASA will go with what we believe is right for us,” he added.
Railas long term political advisor Salim Lone termed the current government as illegitimate, saying they will not recognize it.

“We are not surprised by the supreme court ruling. We had already declared as NASA that we consider this government to be illegitimate and the court ruling did not come as a surprise.

It was a decision taken under duress. We therefore do not condemn the courts but we sympathies with it,” he added.

Former Tiaty MP Asman Kamama insists that the opposition should be blocked from the move, claiming that the court position was final.

“The law is very clear on who should swear in the president elect Uhuru. It is criminal for a civilian to endorse another person to become president. This is in fact a big joke,” he added.

Already the government has issued a stern warning to Raila over the issue, citing that it could amount to civil disobedience.

Government spokesman Eric Kiraithe said such actions were unlawfully, pointing out that they will be met with the “full face of the law.”

He termed it as civil disobedience, claiming that the government shall not tolerate any assembly called to execute an unlawful purpose.

“As long as it is done in private without interfering with other people’s rights, we have no problem with it. It has no legal concern, and its friends meeting to swear him in. It has no bearing on Kenyans,” said Kiraithe.

Citizen Participation In Security Chairman Joseph Kaguthi warned that the country could be toying with serious security breaches incase Raila goes ahead to swear himself president.

“It is illegal to even think of swearing in of a different person than the one Kenyans chose on the ballot. It could breed hatred and could result in war if left unchecked.

In fact, it will instigate violence among supporters from different divide and ruin the peace we have worked so hard to establish,” he added.

Kenya Correspondents Association Chairman William Oloo Janak called on journalists to refrain from writing sensational stories regarding the issue, but instead focus on enlighten Kenyans on the consequences of the leaders utterances.

“They should dig beyond the headlines and be able to illustrate using their pieces what an alternative swearing in could mean to the country,” he added.

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