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Kenya needs Raila’s leadership, not Uhuru’s kingship – David Ndii

David Ndii has once again torn into the Jubilee Party administration, saying Kenya does need the “kingship” portrayed by president Uhuru Kenyatta.

The NASA chief strategist accused Uhuru of undermining devolution and said he ought to be stopped.

He said Opposition leader Raila Odinga will take care of the public’s concerns by taking oath of office through the People’s Assembly.

This plan, he reiterated, is not a means to a coalition government.

Ndii noted on Sunday that such a government would not be beneficial so NASA will seek its own legitimate administration.

The plan is for Raila and Kalonzo Musyoka, who were NASA’s candidates in last year’s general elections, to be inaugurated on January 30.

The alliance is planning to use August 8 election results, which it claims shows Raila defeated president Uhuru Kenyatta, to swear-in the former premier.

“Electoral justice is very crucial. A valid and lawful August 8 vote was disallowed,” Ndii said.

Ndii said the “dictatorial Jubilee” will fall with Raila’s inauguration and likened Kenya’s story to those of the English, French and American revolutions. The revolutions are akin in that power was given to the people.

Ndii, who is the head of the Opposition’s assumption of office committee, further said Uhuru is causing dictatorship to slip back into the system.

But he noted the country is on an unstoppable rebirth.

“In Kenya, Jubilee has perfected the art of vote theft that has made a democratic process impossible,” Ndii told second Coast People’s Assembly convention in Mombasa, adding this has seen unprecedented looting in public coffers. “The problem we are facing is that one person has refused to leave power even after the people rejected him.”

The economist said the Opposition cannot fight an election that was rigged by use of computers.

He said only one poll – 2002 – was free and fair while the rest were a sham.

“Jomo Kenyatta is the root cause of electoral theft. Kanu won the election, Kenyatta took the prime minister’s power and changed the constitution to be president for life. He died.”

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