Police have questioned three electoral agency officials after suspended chief executive Ezra Chiloba’s personal assistant Abednego Ominde was allegedly found sneaking out 14 files from the procurement and finance departments.
Also questioned on Thursday morning was acting Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) finance director Agatha Wahome and accountant Fatma Jama.
The three were interrogated at the Nairobi Area Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) offices and released.
“The CEO’s personal assistant was on Wednesday evening caught sneaking files from the commission. The files had come from the acting director, finance. They were all at the DCI offices for questioning,” IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati told the Nation.
In a statement Thursday evening, Mr Chiloba sought to absolve his assistant, saying he had requested the files in preparation for his return to work on September 14, after a five-month compulsory leave.
He said the files were to help him answer audit queries raised on the conduct of the 2017 General Election.
“Given the magnitude of the audit queries raised, my absence form office for over five months and the need to respond to those queries adequately, I personally requested copies of the relevant documents to be ready on my return to work,” Mr Chiloba.
He explained: “I am made to understand that the officer was going to run copies of the relevant documents in preparation for my return to work on September 14 (tomorrow).
This is not unusual therefore the officers should not be victimised for doing what they are supposed to do in good faith.”
Daily Nation