ENTEBBE. One person has been confirmed dead while three others are nursing serious injuries after a mysterious fire broke out in restaurants, kiosks, lodges and bars in Kigungu Landing Site, Entebbe Municipality.
The deceased is identified as Silver Kabaya who had just settled at Kigungu Landing site a few months after being evicted from Makusa Landing site.
Mr John Ojambo an eye witness said that fire began at around 4:00am in the morning and started from a wooden restaurant before spreading to all the kiosks, bars and lodges around destroying property whose worth could not be readily estimated.
“This fire broke up at around 4:00 am when all people were still sleeping because most of the bar owners and attendants sleep in these bars and by the time I arrived at the scene, fire had already destroyed property, I started breaking the wooden bars to save lives,” he said.
He added that he was later joined by other people before they called fire brigade. He says the fire fighters arrived after the death of the lone victim.
The area councillor Mr Geoffrey Ssengendo put the blame on restaurant owners who do not put out fire as they leave food cooking through the night.
“This fire could have began from restaurants, restaurant owners tend to leave fire on their charcoal stoves while cooking beans so that they find them ready in the morning yet all these restaurants, lodges, bars are all wooden making it easy for fire to spread,” said Mr. Ssengendo.
Daily Monitor