All East Africa - Latest NewsHEADLINESUGANDA

Uganda: Pageant to showcase women’s ‘curves’ draws outrage

KAMPALA, — A beauty pageant in Uganda that purports to promote local women’s “curves” has outraged critics who say it demeans the dignity of women.

The pageant, dubbed “Miss Curvy Uganda,” is being championed by a government minister who says the East African country should not promote only “animals” in the safari parks.

Launching the pageant Tuesday, the state minister for tourism, Godfrey Kiwanda, said “it will be an exceptional event that will see young ladies showcase their beautiful curves and intellect.”

The pageant is being mocked and condemned by some Ugandan men and women who want authorities to cancel the competition.

The head of Uganda’s Anglican Church charged Thursday that the pageant “is a disgusting display of exploitation and brings shame upon our families and our country.”


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