As the world commemorated World Diabetes Day on Thursday, Uganda’s ministry of health said available figures indicate that there are 300,000 Ugandans living with diabetes.
Ruth Aceng, minister of health said in a statement issued here to commemorate the day that eight out of 10 diabetic patients in the country are unaware they have the disease.
The persons are only made aware when they start developing complications like blindness, kidney failure or stroke, according to the minister.
In line with this year’s theme, “the Family and Diabetes”, the ministry has embarked on a public awareness campaign. Aceng said diabetes has an impact on the family as well as the family having power to prevent, care and control the disease.
Aceng said the risk factors for diabetes like any other Non-Communicable Diseases include unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol.
She said health facilities will be equipped with necessary machines, drugs and other supplies. Health workers will also go for community outreaches.