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Policeman who shot Indian money lender normal and sound – Enanga

Police Constable Ivan Wabwire who shot and killed an Indian money lender Uttam Bhandari Saremal in his office at Parliamentary Avenue has been examined by physiatrists and “found to be normal and sound”, police have said.
PC Wabwire shot and killed Bhandari in his office at Raja Chambers on May 12 following a disagreement over his loan payment plan.

Museveni demands answers after Indian money lender shot dead by policeman PC Wabwire who hails from Bwalila village, Bumango Parish, Masinya Sub County, in Busia District in eastern Uganda was arrested yesterday as he attempted to cross into the neighbouring Kenya.

“The findings so far, clearly indicate that the actions of our officer were deliberate, planned and pre-meditated. On May 11, 2023, the suspect while in civilian clothes, met with Mr Uttam Bhandari, to establish his loan status and further discuss plans on how to trade it off, for a salary loan at Stanbic Bank, William Street Branch. He was not convinced by the outstanding loan quotation. The suspect acquired an initial loan from TFS Financial Services on August 5, 2020 of Shs1, 000,000 with an interest of 320,000 after 12 months. The total remittance being 1,320,000 and or 12 monthly installments of Shs110,000. Again on the May 5, 2021, he acquired a second loan of Shs1,000,000 on similar terms, but defaulted on the loan,” police spokesperson Fred Enanga said.
On May 12, PC Wabwire in his full uniform picked a riffle with four magazines, left his beat at CPS and went straight to meet Uttam.

“Upon reaching the TFS Financial Services [offices] at Raja Chambers along Parliament Avenue, he signed in the visitors’ book, and went straight to meet Mr Uttam Bhandari. While in a standing position with his hand on the gun, he had a short verbal exchange with the director. He corked his gun and shot the victim killing him instantly. He went on to pick his loan form, moved out briefly and returned to the scene, where he fired additional shots at the victim. His target was the victims and no one else,” SCP Enanga narrated.

After the shooting PC Wabwire confidently moved out, jumped on a boda boda that dropped him at CPS Kampala. He returned the gun and asked a colleague to watch over it before he disappeared.
“The officer escaped to his village at Bwalila, Bumango Parish, Masinya Sub County in Busia District. He was arrested on the May 14, 2023 at around 7am, at Uganda customs, while trying to cross into Kenya. We would like to thank the arresting team of Flying Squad, KMP and DPC Busia,” Mr Enanga added.

He was transferred to KMP headquarters where he was examined by a physiatrists and established to be normal and sound, according to SCP Enanga.

“Upon interrogation, he admitted to having murdered the victim, for allegedly cheating him. The charges against him, were sanctioned and he is set to appear at Buganda Road court, with murder,” Mr Enanga said.
Earlier, police said due PC Wabwire’s medical conditions, the Force’s management at CPS Kampala had taken a decision about six years ago not to arm him with a gun.

He had since then been deployed in beats that don’t require him to be armed.
His latest deployment before the shooting was at CCTV monitoring center.
PC Stephen Muramb whose gun PC Wabwire used in the shooting is also in detention for leaving the firearm unattended to.

“As our force policy on use of firearms demands, he should have returned to the Armory before moving out of the station. He instead without lawful permission sneaked out of the station to attend to a personal matter, which is an outright case of gross indiscipline and negligence. The victim paid the price for his negligence with his life. As a result, he was arrested and detained at Kireka, pending disciplinary action for discreditable conduct. His immediate supervisors also face disciplinary sanctions, for poor supervision,” Mr Enanga added.

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