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Ethiopia’s Coffee Exports Reach $1.43 Billion, Sets New Record

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia’s coffee sector has reported a significant boost in revenue, with exports bringing in $1.43 billion during the recently concluded fiscal year, according to the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA).

In a statement released on Tuesday, ECTA disclosed that Ethiopia exported 298,500 tonnes of coffee in the fiscal year 2023/24, marking a notable increase from the previous year’s 240,000 tonnes. This surge represents a 20% growth in export volume year-over-year.

The month of June alone saw Ethiopia exporting 46,000 tonnes of coffee, generating a record-breaking revenue of $218 million, underscoring the sector’s vital contribution to the country’s economy.

Ethiopia, known as the birthplace of Arabica coffee, holds a prominent position among Africa’s top coffee producers and exporters. The country’s coffee is renowned globally for its distinct qualities, ranging from wine-like to fruity and chocolatey flavors, contributing to its high demand worldwide.

Despite its global appeal, experts frequently highlight the challenges posed by Ethiopia’s predominantly raw coffee export strategy. They argue that the lack of value addition within the sector limits the country’s potential to fully capitalize on its premium coffee resources.

Coffee production remains a cornerstone of Ethiopia’s agriculture-led economy, supporting millions of livelihoods across the country. As global demand for specialty coffees continues to rise, stakeholders in Ethiopia’s coffee industry are exploring strategies to enhance value addition and maximize the sector’s economic benefits.

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