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Detained Protesters Granted Bail Amid Anti-Corruption Demonstrations in Uganda

KAMPALA β€” Ten protesters arrested during last week’s anti-corruption demonstrations in
Kampala have been granted bail. The Chief Magistrate’s Court at Buganda Road set the
cash bail at 100,000 Ugandan Shillings for each suspect.

The suspects, who have been on remand in Luzira Prison since their arrest, face charges of
causing a common nuisance.

They appeared in court on Monday morning, represented by a legal team led by Bernard
Oundo, President of the Uganda Law Society.

β€œThe court recognizes the right to peaceful protest and the importance of the issues being
raised,” said Oundo, emphasizing that the legal team would continue to advocate for the
protesters’ rights.

The protests, which saw significant participation from citizens, were organized to highlight
and condemn widespread corruption within the government.
Demonstrators took to the streets last Tuesday, calling for greater transparency and
accountability from public officials.

The suspects are scheduled to return to court on August 29th for the hearing of their case.
As the legal proceedings continue, the protests have sparked a broader conversation about
governance and corruption in Uganda.

In the meantime, the bail decision is seen as a temporary relief for the protesters and their
supporters, who view the legal actions against them as an attempt to suppress dissent.

For the families and friends of the detained protesters, the release on bail marks a moment
of reprieve.

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